Friday, May 6, 2016

Keeping Our Mouths Shut

Hey everyone!

Wouldn't ya know? Two days in a row! I must be feeling sick. Or motivated. Whatever. Anyway, I've been reading quite a bit in Proverbs recently and today opened my Bible to stumble on this gem, which oddly enough has been on my mind anyway:

Prov. 12:23- A prudent man conceals knowledge, but the heart of fools proclaims folly. 

One of the things I've pondered over the years is the impact of sitcoms and tv dramas being such a part of everyone's lives. I've wondered how much influence the television program standard of telling-everyone-around-you-everything-you're-thinking-at-all-times has had on our culture. Also, how that has impacted the idea that it's ok to wear all your emotions on your sleeve at all times. Like a child. Or an idiot. 

Like this guy

The problem manifests itself in multiple ways. In my life, my problem has always been wanting to be the Sheldon Cooper and tell everyone the history and mechanics of everything. My mom used to call me "Mr. Know-it-all." I remember standing up in kindergarten and giving directions to the class on how to do the homework. Wrong, of course. Honestly, I get embarrassed thinking about my younger days because I just couldn't seem to keep a lid on it and made an idiot of myself. 

"You're a Mr. Know-it-all!"

Thankfully that problem had some healthy redirection and some of our friends started calling my brother and I "The Book of Knowledge Vols I & II," and we've been blessed with various teaching opportunities, like this one. It's been good for me to learn to keep my mouth shut and not always have something to say. 
One reason is that it gives me time to think. If I'm always talking, how do I have time to think about whether or not what I'm saying makes good sense or is even relevant? If I'm always spouting off my dang fool ideas, how am I actually helping anyone? Just another way to hear myself talk. 

Wish I had less dang fool opinions and more dang fool adventures...

Another thing shutting up helps with is my ability to listen. This goes for the mind too, not just the lips. Everyone has that one person they know that never seems like they're actually listening, but just waiting for the first pause so they can get to talking, and while you're talking, it seems like they're just thinking about what they want to say. Or while you're talking, they keep saying, "Yeah.. Uh huh...yeah... I know... Oh totally..." Stop. Stop talking and please listen to me. I guess there's a respect/common courtesy thing there too. 

As far as constantly expressing emotions goes, there's a similar proverb that speaks to that:

Prov 29:11- A fool utters all his mind: but a wise man keeps it in till afterwards.

The thrust of the words here isn't talking about speaking one's mind, but talking in the heat of passion. It's better to wait until the emotion has passed. We've all been there. Once it's been said, there's no taking it back... If only I'd stuck to all the lines I'd rehearsed...

In all, there's wisdom in silence. It's good to close our mouths from time to time. It's good to listen. It's good not to say too much. It's good to not let everyone know everything we're thinking. It's wise to craft our thoughts and words. 

God bless,

Mike Senders 

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