Saturday, December 19, 2015

Greek learning materials

Hey all,

In our last podcast we mentioned some great resources for learning Biblical Greek, so here are the links to find he items we mentioned.
The first resource we want to mention is Dallas Theological Seminary's Greek I and II courses at iTunes University. DTS has a wonderful selection of classes to choose from aside from Greek. The files are in video format, and are direct recordings of actual classroom lectures. Course requirements and material lists are provided so you even have the opportunity to follow homework assignments on your own if you wish.
The second, and primary resource is William Mounce's Basics of Biblical Greek and the accompanying workbook. This is a classroom text that is easy to read and understand and along with the workbook provides practice exercises in translation. DTS, mentioned above, uses Mounce for their text and together the two work well together because the instructor makes comments about Mounce's text for further helpful clarification. Mounce also has other resources available such as a DVD set, flash cards, and charts to help with learning.
The next helpful resource is more for those who already know some Greek and need a primer to help stay in practice. Daily dose has short videos on individual verses of scripture going word by word through the Greek to help with parsing and syntax. 

Well there ya have it, some helpful resources for learning and keeping up with Greek studies. Make use of resources, more knowledge and understanding of our scriptures always helps. 

God bless,

Mike Senders

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